This is my latest creation, a bomb tester that shows you the temperature and pressure graph like all other advanced bomb testers do and also gives you a 11 star rating of your bomb's temperature and pressure. Please feel free to use this for judging in Bomb competitions with credit. Please give feedback and identify any bugs. I'm expecting this to get fp. Also say if this can be made more accurate and user friendly in any way.
It's impossible to get to 11 stars. TSNS needs heat to be ABOVE its own and yours is set to 9725.85, making that impossible. Also I think it broke for me haha
It was initially on fp but now when i checked it went off fp :((((( oh why oats's got fp, scowt's got fp, then why not this? Let me just hope when the sun goes down(which is in a few hours in my time zone) and the stars come up users will vote it up :)