Updated version w/out C5/BIZS
And a challenge version with those elements
This wall is a bomb literally c5?
I'm not dissing it. This isn't a wall it's a wall of bombs.
Well then blow it up :/
any form of explosives and clone and whatever that isn't passable like infinite warp or mort.
The definition of a cheat element is beyond me. It's in the game and the idea of cheating is something of unfairness in the form to take advantage, but C5 is in the game and it's not really cheating because it's not bending the games rules with unfairness.
I don't consider using BIZS in walls, because like PSTS, it's REALLY HARD to destroy. At least make a wall that relies on the tricks and bugs of Powder Toy instead of those that rely completely on overpowered features. Also, I despise not making GBMB valid as it's used for scattering stuff and it does this evenly without clearing out in every frame, spreading too much or being too powerful (I'm referring to pressure here).
c5 is condidered a cheat element as no one can be bothered to make a bomb that cools down, then heats up again for the next layer.
Actually, I think someone would do. There was a user that made awesome multi-staged bombs which made it to FP (that didn't rely on strength, but rather on effects). If he were able to rely on strength then he could possibly design a bomb to destroy this thing.