I was very bored, stuck in a hot room, and witn no internet. I was messing around with lua scripts, whel I made this:
It is kind of slow, but it could be used to jumpstart engines that go out after a period of time.
Please post improvements in the comments.
Free to copy.
Seriously? Again?! *sigh* No LOLZ involved! Only vibranium, clone, void, switch, and conductive wall needed. Cloned vibranium, once set off, will keep setting itself off in an enclosed space. The principal is simple. Once the vibranium blows up it makes pressure and the clone makes more vibranium. Since the pressure can't escape the new vibranium sucks it up to charge so the cycle can repeat. LOLZ only property is to make shapes, that's all it does, nothing else.
R.I.P. X_X