Self-replicating machine

  • Hatter
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    With the new installment of pistons and the additions of other elements, I believe it's possible to create a self-replicating machine. (Other than the LIFE particles)


    This video is an idea of what a self-replicating machine (I will just use the acronym 'SRM') might look like on TPT. Though the machine above is a little too big.


    Let me explain what exactly an SRM is and what it needs. The SRM has many purposes. The main one being to create an exact version of itself using raw materials. Other implementations can be added like the machine has a timed self-destruction to avoid 'over-crowding.'


    There are rules to SRMs. The SRM must create an exact version of itself without using external systems. For example: creating a computer in TPT that simulates GoL does not count because the cells in the GoL require the computer to survive. Secondly, the SRMs need to create offspring that are an exact versions of itself. The offspring must also create exact versions of themselves and so forth. 


    What would an SRM in TPT look like? First of all, it needs a memory storage compartment to store instructions on what it needs to create itself and how to create itself. (The ingredients and the directions, like on a cooking sheet) This could be a literal memory storage with SWCH or maybe just a loop of metal with tributes connecting to certian vavles that create certian parts of its offspring. The SRM would also need a movable 'arm' or a 'shooter' or some device that places certain particles and parts here and there. Perhaps the 'arm' might have PIPE inside of it so it could shoot out elements. Or maybe it would be a large piston that can move large parts. The SRM would also need a storage unit that has all the ingredients needed for replication. These elements could literally exist or be in the form of CLNE, or maybe some third form i'm not aware of. Basically, it needs a device that can give ingrediants when they are needed.



    Self-replicating Machine Wikipedia This link is a wikipedia page that explains further on what a self-replicating machine does and how they work.



    This post is a contest, an idea, and a suggestion. Creating a self-replicating machine in TPT would be unbelievably cool. I suggest you create one because of their sheer awesomeness. A contest would be fun because you and others could get together and compete! So, if you have the time to make an SRM, post your save on this post! I suppose contest would end on Augest 1st, 2013. Good luck and have fun!


    I will be happy to explain further on SRMs if you have any questions

    I suggest you check this post at least once a week if you decided to enter this...form of a contest because I might answer questions that may be valuable to you.

  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    There are definately one or more saves that already do this, I'll try to find them.


    EDIT: In favorites


  • Hatter
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    No, thats not a self-replicating machine. 



    "There are rules to SRMs. The SRM must create an exact version of itself without using external systems. For example: creating a computer in TPT that simulates GoL does not count because the cells in the GoL require the computer to survive."



    As you can see in the save, the machine doesn't create its own parts, the parts are already made. If anything, the machine is just assembling a version of iteslf. Secondly, everything is connected to each other so its not really reproducing at all. Thirdly, the machine requires the 'Asynchoronous Shift Source' to assemble itself. If the machine could somehow copy the asynchronous shift source, be able to disconnect with its parent machine, and be able to create all of its parts by itself, then it would be a SRM. 


    This doesn't mean that save was a bad save. It just wasn't an SRM.


  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Any machine really has a problem building a machine the same size because it can't reach. So, it would either have to A)move or B) make a baby version of itself that grows into a full verision (it would have to grow it's own control electronics too)

  • Pilihp64
    27th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    This is not possible with normal TPT (as far as I can tell).  I made machines to create ships, so I've obviously gotten the construction part down.

    Here is why you can't create a SRM in current TPT,

    You can't set properties from elements.  Ctype/tmp of CRAY is extremely useful and needed to create the next machine, which also involves creating more CRAY for the next one.  But it only gets created with default properties which can't be changed, making the created machine a dead copy.


    And I know what you are thinking now, "If only there was a property set ray".  No, it won't work with that either.  Think about it, you start adding property rays to machine #1, what starts happening is that you need more property rays to set the property rays of the next machine, leading to infinite property rays needed.


    What is needed is a "clone ray" that literally copies all of a particle's data and fires it in another spot.

  • Hatter
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cyberdragon: machines can reach that far by using pistons. 


    @Cracker64: Why can't a clone ray be made? And it is still possible to create an SRM withouth CRAY. All that is needed is some sort of storage compartment that contains raw materials. Am I getting this right?

  • Sylvi
    27th Jun 2013 Moderator 0 Permalink

    @Hatter (View Post)

     That's my thought. Self replicating machines in real life require bits and pieces needing to be programmed anyways. Or the machine uses a limited available stock of material. Just store the CRAY in some sort of container.

  • greymatter
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Hatter (View Post)
    I should think this is mostly impossible with the current TPT......But making a parent machine that can make smaller machines are definitely possible. But making these smaller machines grow into the full parent machine? Don't know about that...
  • Box-Poorsoft
    27th Jun 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • bimmo_devices
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    My machine SRM does construct itself from raw materials (however very complex raw materials). What the big problem that is being faced is not an SRM but a UC - the Universal Constructor. This device accepts instructions and prints elements to create any constructable object, which could even be more complicated than the UC. My post contains some other concepts too. In Von Neumann's machine, the memory is a one dimentional string of bits with a reader passing over it. One of the functions in the memory is the "copy memory" function. This tells the main automaton to (as a hard wired function) copy and paste the memory at the current position that the constructor is in. This machine looks really cool in Golly. Google it!

           The TPT UC would not need raw material (as with cray), but a real UC would need a matter "feed", which would act as raw material. If you put a real SRM into an empty universe, it would not be able to mine materials, and would not construct anything. If you abuse this rule, you simply supply the machine with very predictable raw materials!

           TPT UC would need a way of defining the ctype and tmp of cray - the first very difficult, and the second impossible. The tmp of cray would be changed to 1 - to make sure the UC printer head prints a single pixel.