Copy safe

  • CopysafeINC
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    At CopySafe we have always thought that copying peoples saves is downright rude. So we developed the copysafe device to combat that. The device has two parts

    1. The logo. The logo has a unique timer of specific size and wifi signal. If you authenticate with us you get a serial number to use that identifies part 2 as yours. Simply make the device and decorate with your logo.
    2. The EMP. This part gets hidden inside your creation. It has two parts: a timer the same as your logo and a receiver of the same time. If these two signals lose sync (wifi or lack of proper logo) the device will emp the save.
    3. Serial number: If you register with us and someone steals your save and changes the logo we can measure the insides and prove a stolen save for you.

    Please look at the save: 


    And message us to register


    The serial number is based on the logo so for mine it is (water tube: 20) (2 tubes) ((3 by 3) loop wires) (22 wifi chanel)


    COPYSAFE ID: 2023322

  • hittox
    27th Jun 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    I don't care if people copy my saves. BUT, if they take credit for it then it's downright rude.

  • xetalim
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @CopysafeINC (View Post)

     what do you think of

    save id's?

  • Cacophony
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    I bypassed the system.By replacing the EMP with glass.And erasing the serial number.And just erasing the whole system.And removing the wires.You know, there probably are a hundred ways of getting around this.

  • boxmein
    27th Jun 2013 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    Neat trick, however this would only work for the dimmest among us, since the 'punishment device' is trivial to disable. (it literally takes one (1) pixel of PLSM to render it useless)

    The cause behind it however is crude and meaningless. Stealing saves is swiftly dealt with and just general copying is not frowned upon. People who want their saves 'protected' are in the wrong place.

    Sharing is caring.
    Show that you care.
  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Why use EMP when you can put a nasty little fusion bomb there.

  • bimmo_devices
    27th Jun 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    One could prove the creation useless simply by openning and resaving this save in their own name. LOL!!

  • jacob1
    27th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @bimmo_devices (View Post)
    yes, exactly. This does nothing at all to stop direct copies, and really that is the worst thing that should be prevented.

    If someone wants to use something else in the save they will copy it and maybe give credit, and well, if they don't they will be downvoted and reported (happens every time). If this somehow goes off when only part of the save is copied, it can't tell if you gave credit or not which is unfair to anyone wanting to improve the save.
    And really it's just useless since it's so obvious how to disable it, it's obviously an attempt at an anti-copy machine when you see it. Unless you embed this somehow into the middle of the important part of the creation (which would make things ugly, cause problems with the functionality of the save, and maybe break it), the copier simply wouldn't copy the part with the emp
  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    If you really want it to be useful you need to make it very small as to be less noticable.



  • CopysafeINC
    29th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for all the replies, The serial number is based on the actual dimentions of the logo so if someone was to retexture the logo we could still say they had an invalid logo. Also the emp part is ment to be hidden inside the save and decaled so it cant be seen. By all means dont use the device. It was made with the intention of punishing people who just copy the save and remove your logo. 


    Also the emp only works if you steal the whole thing, if you steal parts of it and ignore the walls you wont steal the emp.