Hey everyone, this is my first forum post, I am currently attempting to create a pipeless water pump, but I ran into a problem. I'm using pressure to pull in the water and electricity to open a gate, but the electricity is conducting to the water and soon I have an electrical soup. I was wondering if anyone knew how to help. Here's the save ID: 896864
use INSL to insulate the SPRK
use distilled water, it doesn't conduct electricty.
True. idea!
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Why don't you use a wifi, from where the electric signal comes, to the side you wanna send, but with a NSCN at the side and both Wifi with same temperature, then use Storage to a pit where the water falls, then more pressure pushs it to the cave in the pit, then return to surface in the other side of the cave, by other pit?
A pit to extract water and choose if it continues or not, and other for the water to fall if it's permitted, and a tunnel (the cave I quoted)for the water to pass and go to other pit, to return to surface and go to a tank.
I'll do a world called Water Pump To Help A Novice where you'll enter and is a example for you to do like. You'll explore that world, then copy it at your world and finally do the modifications you'd like to do a world called Water Pump Made By A Novice With A Expert, then you save, then test, then publish. And then done!
that link sucks....
it links to a .HTML file not on internet, at your hard drive.
Now I removed the HTML link, I tried a image but unsuccesful, then I removed it that was with the link of Firelands (this link here)
Sorry, I tried to do a download ink, but this automaticaly adds "http://" at the HTML link, except we use "ftp://", what I forgot. Really sorry!