I found a way to make fire flicker. But I'm not sure what is a good flicker ratio, I currently have ? set to 170 and ?f set to 30.0.
int Element_FIRE::graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS)
float rnd = rand()%? + ?f; //sum to 200.0f
int caddress;
if(cpart->life >= 100.0f)
caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt((float)cpart->life, 0.0f, rnd)*3, 0.0f, (rnd*3)-3);
caddress = 0.0f;
*colr = (unsigned char)ren->flm_data[caddress];
*colg = (unsigned char)ren->flm_data[caddress+1];
*colb = (unsigned char)ren->flm_data[caddress+2];
*firea = 255;
*firer = *colr;
*fireg = *colg;
*fireb = *colb;
*pixel_mode = PMODE_NONE; //Clear default, don't draw pixel
*pixel_mode |= FIRE_ADD;
//Returning 0 means dynamic, do not cache
return 0;
I also want to make it go dark sooner than it does. I don't want it to go away, I just don't like that long ugly tendral and want it go black but stay hot.
Is there any way to convert this to a lua script for other people?
That's C++, I want to convert it to lua.
-- All glory to @thepowderguy THE HYPNOTOAD

function restrict_flt(f, min, max)
if f < min then return min end
if f > max then return max end
return f
local ONE = 170
local TWO = 30.0

function el_G(index, colr, colg, colb)
-- return cache, pixel_mode, cola, colr, colg, colb, firea, firer, fireg, fireb
local cache,pixel_mode,cola,colr,colg,colb,firea,firer,fireg,fireb, rnd, caddress
rnd = math.random() * ONE + TWO
if tpt.get_property("life", index) >= 100.0 then

caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(tpt.get_property("life", i), 0.0, rnd) * 3, 0.0, (rnd * 3) - 3)
caddress = 0
colr = somethingsomething
colg = somethingsomething
colb = somethingsomething
firea = 255
firer = colr
fireg = colg
fireb = colb
cache = 0
pixel_mode = bit.bor(renderer.PMODE_NONE, renderer.FIRE_ADD)
-- But what is cola?
return cache, pixel_mode, cola, colr, colg, colb, firea, firer, fireg, fireb
tpt.graphics_func(el_G, elements.DEFAULT_PT_FIRE)
Put this in the beginning:
function restrict_flt(f, min, max)
if f < min then return min end
if f > max then return max end
return f
replace "caddress = somethingsomething" with:
caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(tpt.parts[i].life, 0.0, rnd) * 3, 0.0, (rnd * 3) - 3)
THANK YOU! I could post that in the lua scripts catagory so many people can have it. (I'll add the rest of the changes myself now that I see how it works.)