Doing speech tomorrow please help.

  • singularity
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok tomorrow I am doing a speech(persuasive) on why creationism does not belog in public schools. Tell me what you think! edit or what ever.


    Basically today I will be telling you why creationism does not belong in public schools. Today this is a very touchy subject; this is because so many people believe in one religion or another. Today in public schools creationism is not taught and I am doing this speech to try and keep it that way.
    I’m going to give you some background information on my two biggest arguments:
    Creationism is the religious belief that god created the earth over the period of six days.
    [Next slide]
    On day one god created light.
    On day two god created the seas and the sky.
    On day three god created Land and vegetation.
    On day four god created luminaries E.G sun, moon and planets.
    On day five god created fish and birds.
    And on the final sixth day god created beast and man.
    And according to the theory of creationism all this happened roughly 10000 years ago.

    [Next Slide]

    But on the other side of things we have the theory of Darwinism:
    Now this is the theory that man evolved from much simpler creatures over the course of millions of years but it isn’t only us [Next slide] it is everything around us it is in animals [Next Slide] and even in our technology [Next Slide] well all this new information you are taking in might be overwhelming so I will show you a video explaining evolution [Show Video].
    Well after hearing all that I bet you are wondering what the big deal is. Well the big deal is this which subject will be more beneficial in life, science or creationism, we all want our kids to be successful in life have a nice big house [Next Slide] and a family which science will get you the marks required to get a job to make this possible. We don’t want small houses [Next slide].
    If you were to teach a religion in a public school it would cost unnecessary money and you would have to teach all aspects of the religious world such as Christianity , Buddhism, catholic and yes even scientology and we don’t want our kids learning that, do we?


    Is not done yet

  • Finalflash50
    21st Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Neospector
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Here's some interesting things: some people believe creationism happened 6000 years ago, I've even seen one person stupid enough to say 3000.
    And one question, what grades are these for?
  • singularity
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What do you mean grades?
  • Neospector
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Well what age group? Highschool, elementary, ect.
  • singularity
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    High school year 9 assignment
  • Finalflash50
    21st Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • singularity
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What do you mean could you please remove that fragment and put into a reply please.
  • Neospector
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    High school year 9 assignment

    Ok that means a less defensive speech since in highschool you're expected to listen to all theories with equal measure.
    Now, I suggest adding in what is already being taught, e.g. the norm. This gives you a basis to start your "attack" as we'll call it. Next, construct a valid argument against your point of view, this is so you can give counter-examples. Now take your counter-examples and arrange them in an order to suit your purposes. Finally add in facts, such as the supreme court ruling on a case where kids in a public school were being taught prayers in place of a moment of silence.
    Get to know the audience, make them feel like you know what you're talking about.
    That's all the advice I can give now.
  • Candunc
    21st Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    You should stick to the main concepts, and not talk about anything that could hurt peoples feeling on what they believe in, and what they do not. Everyone has a freedom of religion, meaning people should not be judged on what they believe in. No religion is better than any other one.

    Over all, Religious topics should be avoided in schools, because everyone can be offended by talking about something that they do not believe in.