No cows were harmed before the abduction.
The TPT devs are strangely attracted to cows (greatly shortened to avoid massive spam):
Laptop-Gentoo:pts/1 ~ % grep moo /var/log/IRC/triclops256\'s\ bouncer_\#powder.log
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [12:28:15 AM] <jacob1> !moo Lockheedmartin
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [12:28:15 AM] <jacob1> mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [12:28:15 AM] <cracker64> moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [12:28:15 AM] <cracker64> moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [02:40:00 PM] <cracker64> moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [02:40:00 PM] <jacob1> moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [02:40:00 PM] <jacob1> !moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [02:40:00 PM] <jacob1> mooooo.
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [04:10:53 PM] <cracker64> moo
[Saturday, July 20, 2013] [09:57:56 PM] <cracker64> moo
[Sunday, July 28, 2013] [05:05:52 PM] <wolfy1339> !mmmmmmooooooooooo
[Sunday, July 28, 2013] [05:05:55 PM] <wolfy1339> !mooooooo
[Sunday, July 28, 2013] [05:05:56 PM] <TheBombMaker> moooomomomomoo
[Sunday, July 28, 2013] [05:12:55 PM] <Catelite`> moo
[Sunday, July 28, 2013] [05:15:59 PM] <Catelite`> moo
Well why wouldnt they be, after all they are the 'milk, and bread' of the operation in tpt...
Edit: Oh god... I just realized... it says part 1...
Edit: "No cows were harmed before the abduction" o.o
jacob1 is also attracted to potatos.
I have logs of that as well, but I should probably spare you the pain. :P
Besides, we all know that bananas are better than potatos.
Besides, we all know that bananas are better than potatos.
Such potatoin blasphemy! [po-ta-toin] You have just asked for trouble.
'po-ta-tion'? or 'po-ta-toin'