how do you make stick man have two heds?

  • theunkown24
    12th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    so how?

  • techno156
    12th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    That's a glitch with TPT. You can technically have as many heads as you want, as the game would only allow (I think) any STKM to have the same leg/foot points. Same with STK2. If there are multiple STKM on-screen (which is due to a glitch/bug) then they will pull each other to get to the same leg points. ANy more thatn 2 usually leads to STKM weirdness, due to the collisions the heads have with each other. :)

  • plead-for-destruction
    12th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    Look on the wiki for a walkthrough. :P
  • hittox
    12th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @theunkown24 (View Post)

    Look at my homepage if you wait long enough a stickman bomb explodes and creates a two headed stickman

  • greymatter
    12th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @theunkown24 (View Post)
    Make a STKM. Then place a number of pixels of any material on the screen. then open the console with "~" key and type in
    !set type xxxx stkm

    Replace xxxx with the name of whatever you placed. So if you placed wood, you should type
    !set type wood stkm

    The STKM will randomly start stretching and spasming. If you are lucky, within a few seconds you will get a 2 headed STKM, or even a 3 headed STKM. If this doesn't work, try again. Also, if you save and reload 2 or 3 headed stkm, they will reappear with only one head.

    This happens because when more than 1 stkm are present, a game glich causes the legs to fuse together while the heads stay seperate.

    There are also other ways to make such STKM come up in a save, like SPRK(STKM), SNOW(STKM), ICE(STKM), LAVA(STKM) and so on.
    Edited 2 times by greymatter. Last: 12th Aug 2013
  • 0000000
    15th Dec 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    How to make 2 headed stkm is place DMND and then type in console !set type stkm dmnd then !set life stkm 100