I want to heat plutonium until it's over 9000 degrees. I want the method to be as complex as possible, and not for a single use. It should be something that turns plutonium into molten plutonium very fast.
And I also want to be able to shoot that molten plutonium before it's cooled and I want it to shoot horizontally and as straight as possible, not really spread. And the faster the better aswell.
Thank you
Edit: Sorry wrong place :P
Lock request, as duplicate thread.
For example:
Did you read the post?
have u tried using A URAN, BOYL and MERC based heating and pressure mech.
just add a Ball or reactor shaped DMND casing Big enough to hold enough. (u should also keep the ratio to two 3rds BOYL and one 3rd Uran and MERC) this should create the max heat and max temp that u recquire. just change the shape to what u need.