Hello guys, I just want to add that I am German and therefore must use the google translator :).
I thought times represent the current political and cultural world.
You see right persian, in the middle of Britain and Russia left :).
To the map, I will work every day of course.
Me are the plus points, not so important, rather the calls that have seen many people and just be able to interpret their opinion into it :).
Beautiful greeting your Loadstar :).
Just to let you know you can link directly to a save by typing '~' and then the save number.
For example
would link to your save.
@edza101 i note it.
@greymatter haha thanks
lol... and also you can edit posts so you can add that to your first post to make it more convineint as if ezdas link wasnt there.
You think it made no sense? I ran it through Bing Translate a couple of times:
Können Sie bitte auf Deutsch dein Text schreiben? Ich werde es übersetzen.
[translation: can you please write your text out in German? I will translate it ]
(Ich mache Deutsch in die Schule)
[I do german at school]
To start off with, "beautiful greeting" was probably incorrectly translated from a phrase in greman that just means "goodbye"