I use the translator again ^^.
In addition to my successful first presentation of the world.
I want to show you soon the new creation Humans Vs. Aliens represent.
The human technology is there in the future as well as the aliens.
The shock between the two races is in space.
The story comes with the publication.
I can give the exact time of because I do not know how much clock it with you.
But about 1-2 hours after the post, if not even less :).
're ready and a nice greeting from me :).
PS: The save comes soon, this is only the thread for it.
OOookayyy... Are you making somekind of war simulation or something?
Hmm, wud? So your TPT crashed after you have been working on this for 2 hours? I know that feel.
@hittox yes ^^. But i work know on a new Project, it's almost done.
The title is the same, but it is an invasion of aliens.
I will publisch it in 10 min´s
So i finished my Work
Now make some more buildings and buttons that you can press to shoot and blow things up. :D