I need a good logo for my new club "TPT Legends" its pritty new and I need a really good logo saying "TPT Legends" so please help me :)
Club Page Id:1287209
If you want to join the TPT Legends click here -> https://powdertoy.co.uk/Groups/Page/View.html?Group=795
Isnt that a bit selfish, i mean....
TPT legends?
(I am not a TPT legend)
If nobody replies, nobody gives you a logo, ask an ingame logo maker.
Taken from the group description: "We are the TPT Legends.We help those who need help.We are kind.We are Brave." . This is TPT, not a clan in the middle age with a motto.
1287209View Save 1287209
is the TPT Legends page
i will make a logo for u just ask on my logo creator what u want in it.