I made a binary adder. There are little switches on the left side to give inputs for each bit, pause and spark the switches of the bits you want to add, then unpause to see the result light up. I don't know how well it works so if there are any suggestions or bugs, please reply to this thread with them.
I just made a newer one, it looks nicer, has no wifi, and it is more compact.
Search arK's AEC for better ones!
right.. I don't advise anyone to advertise like that.. on threads like this.. especially on this topic...
EDIT: grammar fix
Yes I know arK is good with electronics, but I am making things my own way and improving them as I go along.
Well... you know what you should do? Make a binary adder. It must be as small and fast as possible not awesome
I have my own one, but arK's is better. In fact, I have a sentence after my post, but somehow it didn't get shown?
That post is not advertise, I just tell you what you should take a look at.
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EDIT: No save embedding?
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