TPT's Fusion: 2.0 (Recursion Reactor)

  • Webdude53
    24th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, here goes.
    Playing around with a far older save of mine, I noticed some interesting behavior when fusion got in the way of an E-Wall, with some very unique effects.
    After a decent amount of work, and a week's worth of procrastination, here is my new kind of Fusion Reactor.

    (Instructions given in the save)


    Now, upon running the reactor, you will imidiately notice that the tradition fusion material injectors, containment chambers and waste release are missing.
    Why, you ask? Because this reactor does not need it. After igniting a single chamber of fuel, the entire reaction takes place in two sandboxed E-Wall areas in order to eliminate the need for any kind of management.

    Now, this reactor also has a very interesting point associated with it; namely, that is only needs one fuel container in order to be ran for a far sustained duration without any outside interference.
    (Though with the way I did it, it ends up running out anyways)

    Also, I've taken the time to compartmentalize each part of the reactor, with individual areas for controlling the reactor, starting the reaction, generating power and recyling water.

    Edited 2 times by Webdude53. Last: 18th Sep 2013