Sometimes, a game is more controllable when there is arrow-key support. However, there are only a few, and are quite buggy due to their designs. No other arrow-key support systems have been made in recent versions until now, which I present you:
The modern comapct left-right arrowkey support system!
<Now comes with an all-direction prototype!>
This started off as a little thing I wanted to build, when there were so many games in frontpage. However, as I realized that there were new elements, I decided to use them and make this one of the best basic arrowkey support. Because of these new elements implemented, jamming/errors in the circuitry is now less likely (unless you were under a lot of fatigue, which you can't even bother to press the arrow keys properly) and is a lot compact, compared to other support.
Unlike VOID, CONV instantly takes action once there is a pixel close to it. CONV is used in the system so it can be instantly ready for another press.
It also uses DTEC, which is the pixel counterpart to the Detector wall, and helps in making the thing compact.
Installation is quite easy! You just have to connect the outputs to specific parts of a circuit, then you're already done!
ALERT: Does not work when another support system involving the first stickman is already implemented