I want to add 3 new elements in PT(for myself). Hydrogen, Liquid Hydrogen and Solid Hydrogen. I stood to the coding-tutorial. Now the work in powder.h is done. In the coding-tut stands: add #ifdef HEAT_ENABLE (...) This means that if heat mode is enabled, do the following statements. Do I have to insert that code for the elements above or is it just for the HETR-element in the tutorial?
And do i have to download Microsoft Visual Studio and GitHub or only one of them?
My english isn't the best, please ignore mistakes.
Visual Studio allows you to edit code, Github is to download (and Idk why) a weird version of the source. (btw, you might want to lower the lowest temp to have solid Hydrogen) Don't forget powder.c too. But could we have a look at the source?
do you know the use of this #ifdef HEAT_ENABLE-code ? maybe the hydrogen needs a similar code...could be that it's not working right if i don't add a code like this...
When you have added your elements follow the Visual studio setup tutorial, if you have any other problems chat to me in conversations and i can help you