Basically ARAY is a sort of electric beam, sorta like sending electricity, each metal has their own properties regarding ARAY.
METL and other conductors produce normal BRAY (the ray created from ARAY), which carry electricity when they hit another electronic. This is one of the most widely used fast electronic wires.
PSCN creates delete BRAY, which erases normal BRAY (nonetheless, nothing happens, depending on particle order (too complex to explain, better to learn it when you're good at TPT now)). Note that PSCN BRAY does NOT carry electricity.
INST is a really cool one, it creates penetration BRAY, which does not destroy particles, but instead, passes through most of them while it carries electricity. This is really useful if you're trying to SPRK (particle term for electricity) multiple things at once.
FILT is a really cool thing. Whenever it heats up, it changes color, and also acts as a color changer for PHOT (particle term for light) and BRAY. The reason this is used for segments of ARAY wires is because normal and penetration BRAY (the only ones that carry electricity) leave behind a trail of long-lasting BRAY which, if not removed, leaves the segment not able to be SPRKed for a while. FILT is designed to prevent the creation of this long-life BRAY, so they can carry SPRK without delay.
INWR is an electronic. It is used to carry electricity through bridges of normal electronics (PSCN and NSCN excluded) without causing problems. BRAY normally passes through INWR, so it is also used as an alternative for FILT (although not recommended to use it always due to conduction problems, which is why FILT is used more often).
Do not ask questions about that, you will not understand before you learn it yourself.
Some tips: (I also have the same problem when I am new to TPT but I also understood everything with those tips)
1.Read ARAY on the wiki.
2.Press F to see every frame the ARAY copier has done.
3.Try to understand everything happened in the copier by yourself.
1.PSCN+ARAY on the left deletes BRAY. Try remove that and see effects. Try make one single beam of PSCN+ARAY and watch the effects.
2.INST+ARAY on the top. Try remove that and see effects. Try to point out the difference between INST+ARAY and METL+ARAY. (INST+ARAY passes through METL while METL+ARAY couldn't)
3.Try to figure out the use of ARAY by yourself. Try to make an ARAY wire with FILT or INWR by yourself. Also note, are there any elements else than FILT and INWR can be used as wire material? Why?
4.Watch ALL the effects made by different parts. Try delete ALL parts every time and you'll learn why is this part important.
5.Remake one of the parts by yourself and watch effects.
4.Ask a mod to lock this thread.