If filt was a temp of 9750 and the phot got thru it will the phot change to the temp of 9750 becuase im trying to get all the phot to get hot but the middle wouldent get hot so what do I do?
But how u use pcln?
Get some PCLN(it's in Powered Materials).Click on the Tools box.Click on PROP.Click on the PCLN.Click on the tab that says type and you'll see a dropdown menu. Click on ctype.Enter the name of the element you want PCLN to clone in all caps.
Edit:Derp.I forgot to say you have to power it.
THX!!!!!! rlly worked out well thx ALOT!!! looks like im going to throw the cheat engine away I was going to change the heat of the plasma too 1000000.
you arent supposed to pwoer it, just connect it to the heating source.....also, you want pcln to make your phot beam. pcln is switched on by pscn, and off by nscn. just make another pcln tube for heating the middle andwait.......cacophony! you're confusing him! let me explain in a save wait for id
You power all powered materials by SPRKing (clicking with SPRK) PSCN within two pixels' circular radius. You only need to spark it once. Once it's on, you can turn it off again by SPRKing NSCN within two pixels' radius of the powered material again.