Ok, so you started to get good at TPT and you made the basics. So what do you do now? You have done every thing you have though of and more but just need some more ideas.So what im thinking of is this thread shoud be used for posting ideas for people like me who like to get others ideas and creat somthing usefull. So what are you wating for get posting your ideas Now.
For starters here is an idea. How about trying to create a radio wave or brodcast with prot and make it functional. Hey its an idea. Here is my start at the idea Click here
Also this forum can be used to "brage" about your save. So don't be scared to post ideas, saves, or questions.
How about a sing power plant (Destroyable) Feed the sing alot and wait
Or a vibr one (Vibr sparks when it's about to explode)
Note: Sing power plant destroyable very hard. How about just no walls? I'll be way eaiser.
Wow the sing power plant that is destroyable that is going to be hard but i think there are people out there that would like that. I will try doing that. So I created the vibranuin power plant and here is my save on it so if any body wants to use it they can just give me some credit. Click here to see save
What do you mean by De-pollution Plant? m_shinoda?
Yea this i a good idea my head is starting to give me ideas on the Pollution idea Ok so I have been posting and not saying ideas so here is one. Make a game with pistons. Like the one here.
Ok so update
How about a sing power plant (Destroyable) Feed the sing alot and wait
Or a vibr one (Vibr sparks when it's about to explode)
Ok the Vibr power plant is done but the Sing plant is very....um.... Hard :) but i have somthing on it and here it is so help me now on what to do now. Click here to see the save
I'll check the save as soon as I have the chance.
New idea: A "microwave" that can fire phot,prot,neut,deut,pressure,thdr,ligh,dmg,ln2,plsm,etc... does't need to be destroyable, my version is ID:1332088 (remove the eletctrode, it glitches when ligh + thdr is fired.) but you could make a better version (I'm working on a new one)