Creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license

  • triclops200
    27th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I have mixed feelings... its only pixels, yet they seem like they should be Copy Righted. Hmm. oh well, I'm sure some other people will leave more sided opinions under me (by this I mean no criticism and should not taken as such)
  • wouter215
    27th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    the CC licene symbol, if made in pixels, powdertoy, carved in stone, does NOT fall under copyright. the copyright license copyrights the work. A copyright license cannot itself be copyrighted.

    this license is meant to let others work with your work without the danger of being liable for copyright infringement(as far as the conditions are met*).
    all of the works on this site are by default fully copyrighted works.
    if user A sees you use a part of his work (like a transistor or a switch), user A could sue you to the full extent of the law.
    in some country's the author does not need to be involved in a copyright case involving his work. so you could be sued by the government if you use a copyrighted work without written permission from the author, without any involvement of the author.

    *see the license for more details:
  • triclops200
    27th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I understand, I was using the slang Copyright, I should've just said protected.
  • seehp
    27th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Maybe the powder toy should include a legal statement, saying that with using this software, all work is released to public domain. That way we can get rid of all that copyright stuff. It gets boring.
  • wouter215
    27th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    that is illegal in the us, the uk, germany and the netherlands as far as i know. creations with the powder toy are program output, program output cannot be copyrighted (cc,pd © etc) by the program itself. only by the author.
    ps: here's a cc list an a pd stamp:
  • seehp
    27th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    You did not read my comment, did you?
    The creations should not be copyrighted by program or author. It should say, that whatever your create with TPT is automatically pd. ('with using TPT, you agree...' or 'with publishing a creation the author agrees...')
    That would solve the issue once and for all.
  • wouter215
    27th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    you mean like an EULA?

    perhaps the powder toy could be distributed with the cc stamps to let people choose themselves.

    btw, an EULA in the uk can only set full copyright as default, not pd...