As some of you know i have been building a reputation over time and now how 3 highly viewed saves and one of them is the home of the famous 4 hour battery, recently i have been adding different sizes and shapes of that battery;
the button battery,
the D cylender battery,
the Rectangle 9V,
last but not least, the vibr tech battery which intentionally eventually explodes,
any other electric technologies that you guys know that could be put to use in my save? links to saves with examples appreciated!
im aware of the ISOZ btw...
Hey speaking of vibr i have made a vibr "battery" that doesn't exsploded but i want to see a anti-mater battery now that would be cool! I know that it would be VERY VERY hard. I know I have tried (then got so mad at it i deleted the save). So maby you can do it
Thanks for the suggestion, i would sure give it a try... and i know you can make vibr batteries that dont by removing its energy... maybe its just me but each save should have something that either blows up or can be blown up :P
Can you try making a long lasting rechargable battery?
I will happily give it a go, leave it with me :D
Antimatter battery here:
or do you have to make it destroyable and not infinite?
I tend to prefer mostly destroyable. but i hate infinate batteries... thats not a battery is it lol
Do the same thing I did but instead of clne use huge storage tanks for the antimatter and dust.
Don't use energy wall but keep it further away and use ppip for moving he antimatter.
I will try this in the next few days :D thanks!