I have recently made two bombs that use what I call "automatic layering". The bombs have an initial explosion, resulting in a big bang of protons. Then there are a series of smaller explosions after. That's why I called it the "aftermath" bomb....but the cause?
I can only make a(n) hypothesis/educated guess, but I think the qrtz that melts "collapses" onto some unexploded deut, concealing it. Than, sometimes the deut ventures out of its molten qrtz shell, expands, and explodes by the left over prot. (Edit: This is not really the cause it is what happens as an effect leading to the explosion)
Edit: I think the real cause is the fact that protons + compressd deut makes negative pressure instead of positive, which causes it to "collapse".
I want to confirm whether my hypothesis is true and maybe discuss this new mechanism for use in future bombs. I think the concept is in about 3rd place, 1st place being the azure lotus mechanism and 2nd place being the lighting core, but I don't mean to be cocky. If I have been. I apologize. ;)
Here is the save:
I also made another version called Resonance which has a small chance to end off in a big fusion bang. It is here:
I just came to say i believe your educated guess to be correct. and i want to extend on it by saying deut can be auto-layered as you call it under any particle type, it just happens easiest under energy-particles. extending from that, it takes a certain level of "irriadiating" deut before it explodes. and since prot passes over all elements its much more likely that the deut is being layered under prot, and just not exploding instantly. this makes a possible mechanism to explode the first deut with prot and the left-behind deut with neut, for example.
if you change the qrtz to thdr or dmg, the deut covers nearly the whole screen which can help you to: a) decrease the life of deut, b) print a "rich (external) environment" in which to generate energy particles and c) externalizes the explosion so you can put a "core" inside that could explode later. (preferably while the deut is still around so it will trigger a neut explosion. or vice-versa if you start off with neut.)
I see....
that is something i had never really thought of. G-linuxorU has a good point and i think he is right.