The person who makes the best city wins a free PHOT logo there are ONLY 3 winners
1st place most votes*
2nd place most views*
3rd place overall best*
1.City must be published NO EARLIER then 11-10-13
2.You are able to use parts of your saves but if you use parts of other peoples saves they must allow copying and you must give credit
3.Also please no cheating by vote fraud ect.
4.And please no negative feed back on other contest entries
5. Your entry must follow The Powder Toy uploading rules
Also new rule the city cant have more then 15,000 views or/and more then 80 votes you will have to republish it as a different name, so it can be fair to everone else you entry can achieve 15,000 views or/and 80 upvotes but you can't have that many when you enter
All entrys must be posted between 12-01-13 and 12-25-13
Winners will be anounced on Dec. 28 2013 or sooner
-_- AND BE NICE -_-
Things to put in your city-power Plant, houses, people,buildings,skyscrapers,planes,bombs,bunkers,and much more
Also add a tag in your city called: myentry or/and citycontest and post your id of city in here or on the forum
You can have more then one entry, the best overall of the city votes or/and views will be your entry
Remember to follow all the rules
Please fix the "fare to everyone else you entery can"
It's bugging me....
It is my first city so here you go
We do not need a contest 2 days after one finished.
Yahh fix! Can we have a diffrent award or just enter for fun?
Yes becuase there were people who had no idea that there was a contest going on and not everyone was able to enter in time
These are all the saves i would like to enter
Ok thats fine you can have multipule entrys and the best of all of your entrys will be your posible winning entry.
--Newest entrys--
Entry created by joser7011