Hiya. I'm new, but I love TPT. I've always looked at creation labelled 'Fission' of 'Fusion' reactor or something, but they generally use some other way of creating power (SPRK) in an amazingly false way.
I've tried many things to simulate such a creation, but alas, none have worked.
This is purely for fun, and may lead, some day in the far future, to recreating other natural processes in life. (That aren't pre-programed into an element: Eg. VINE, grows by 'drinking' water.)
-It MUST NOT be an example of fusion, but fission. (Some people get confused)
That's pretty much it. I know it is hard, (maybe impossible) so I don't havee many restrictions.
If it is impossible now, keep trying in later updates.
I used a combination of a pressure sensor (11) and dtct (wtrv) in my bwr reactor to simulate a turbine, there are not many possibilities if you want to simulate a turbine.
For a unrealistic one you could use the NEUT generated, somehow cool it down and put it through glass so it turns into PHOT, and add a solar pannel near by.
Hey, I know its been a while since I last responded, but I've seen your reactor before, and as far as I can tell, it looks awesome. Isn't there a material that sparks nearby conductors if it detects a particle with it's own ctype? DTEC.
All you gotta do is use the fission to heat the water... and then pass it through a matrix of DTEC. It'll pick up on the WTRV with WATR as its ctype and viola! electricity! I'd call that as realistic as possible.
EDIT: WTRV does not in fact have a ctype. But when you melt ICE is melts, it melts into its ctype. So maybe if we sorta reverse engineer the reactor, we clone ice, set DTEC to WATR, and have some sort of hydroelectric/fission combo where you melt the ice with fission and then you pass it through a 'turbine' of DTEC. I am theorizing here though, so if what ever I'm saying is not possible, tell me so I don't waste weeks trying.
TY to all.
TD23ASUS is out of the building.
i think its already been done.
Hey, I know its been a while since I last responded, but I've seen your reactor before, and as far as I can tell, it looks awesome. Isn't there a material that sparks nearby conductors if it detects a particle with it's own ctype? DTEC.
All you gotta do is use the fission to heat the water... and then pass it through a matrix of DTEC. It'll pick up on the WTRV with WATR as its ctype and viola! electricity! I'd call that as realistic as possible.
EDIT: WTRV does not in fact have a ctype. But when you melt ICE is melts, it melts into its ctype. So maybe if we sorta reverse engineer the reactor, we clone ice, set DTEC to WATR, and have some sort of hydroelectric/fission combo where you melt the ice with fission and then you pass it through a 'turbine' of DTEC. I am theorizing here though, so if what ever I'm saying is not possible, tell me so I don't waste weeks trying.
TY to all.
TD23ASUS is out of the building.
I don't understand why you would need ICE? You can just use DTEC with ctype WTRV, and use a pressure sensor to simulate a required steam pressure.