share your best ever made guns and we will disscuss how to improve them if you want . ^_^
this is mine -
Add some heating/cooling to it.
Edit: Some heating/cooling examples by ads999:
that this gun belongs to Schicko
ultimate heat module
dont worry i did not publish it is as a private save.
and to prevent misunderstanding i say here by Schicko
No offence, but how come your pic looks like one of those wanna-be yogscast members that can't draw?
i drew that completely out of line tool annd fill tool. i dont have any drawing program.
BTW, that save isn't mine. It's by @ads999 . It says so in my first post in this thread. It says "Some heating/cooling examples by @ads999 " because I'm suggestting to you @aryaj to "Add some heating/cooling to it" because you said that we will "disscuss how to improve them if you want".