Boyl/Uran Heat Generator

  • shinyarceus4
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Just a simple experiment to demonstrate the cascade reaction between BOYL and URAN. It's too slow for practical applications, and it doesn't work well on a small scale, but I thought it would be cool to demonstrate.


  • Schicko
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @shinyarceus4 (View Post)

    Very nice rediscovery! I say rediscovery as this method of producing heat has been discovered a very long time ago, and yes you're right, it's too slow and inefficient for any practical use. Here is an example of an old creation (from 2011 lol) utilising this combination:



    P.S. One of the heating compartments for most the lasers in the save use the above. They are mostly broken now though.