Save 1500000...What happened?

  • camtech56
    1st Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok everybody! I was posting a save and I noticed that the id for my save was over 1.5 mil. I quickly searched for save number 1500000. I find not a save, but in the middle of the results area was "No saves found". I am so upset! Why did the id get skipped? I want answers!

  • jacob1
    1st Apr 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    it must have been uploaded and them deleted a few seconds later ):, I didn't notice this at all really. This is what I have in my logs:

    [13:01:45] New: 'GLOW battery' by qwertar (0 comments, score 1, 1 bump);
    [13:06:22] New: '1500000' by AlexTPTproductions (1 comment, score 1, 1 bump);

    This was 1PM eastern time today
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 1st Apr 2014
  • camtech56
    1st Apr 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post) Weird...but if it was uploaded and deleted wouldn't you see it in your log? It's no big deal really(even though I said "I'm so upset"). Maybe the server hiccuped when increasing the 100-thosand digit, or less likely somebody blocked the number from being used as an id. I dunno?


  • jacob1
    1st Apr 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @camtech56 (View Post)
    it should, unless it was uploaded and then deleted quickly within a few minutes. That isn't an official log of TPT saves, it fetches the save list every few minutes and reports what it finds. It also only reports published things, so if it started off unpublished and was deleted an hour or two later, that's possible too.