This is Still Rediculous

  • KydonShadow
    9th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    The fact that you cannot retract a registration submission from a group is ridiculous. I bet others have complained about this before, but not recently.


    Im just asking, is there any plan to fix the groups and group systems any time, well, ever?


    One of the members of BMN made a sub-group for the BMN Tech Division, but now I can't join in because when I click cancel registration on the groups I sent submissions to back in October, it just tells me:

    'Cannot join group.You have reached the group registration limit.'


    Please see if there is something that can be done about this, mods. If only Simon can change it, then nevermind.

    Edited 3 times by KydonShadow. Last: 9th May 2014
  • MiningMarsh
    9th May 2014 Member 5 Permalink

    @KydonShadow (View Post)

    Sorry, but this was really bugging me:


  • KydonShadow
    9th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    crap whoops

    EDIT: Thanks.


    Edited once by KydonShadow. Last: 9th May 2014
  • Sylvi
    9th May 2014 Moderator 0 Permalink

    @KydonShadow (View Post)

     We can't do anything about it either, sorry.

  • KydonShadow
    9th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Damn... alright.

  • jacksonmj
    9th May 2014 Developer 0 Permalink

    If only Simon can change it, then nevermind.


    Correct, only Simon can fix it. But Simon isn't here much nowadays, so it's unlikely to get fixed :(


    Your best option is probably the alternative groups system on , which Lockheedmartin is in charge of (so unlike, it might actually get fixed if something doesn't work).

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 9th May 2014
  • KydonShadow
    9th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Its alright. It's not that much of a problem.

  • nucular
    9th May 2014 Member 3 Permalink
    So maybe somebody here can explain to me why Simon won't or can't give full access rights to the servers to somebody trustworthy from the community...
  • jacob1
    10th May 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @nucular (View Post)
    Considering jacksonmj made this: , i'm sure he would do great with more server access :). Moderation would be a ton harder and less efficient without that. This bug here though can't be fixed client side. It's entirely server side. I recommend making sure the owner of a group is there to accept / deny your request, because if you send a request to an inactive group you can never get rid of that.

    Edit: if there is supposed to be a "cancel registration" button, there's a small chance that maybe you actually can do that client side. As long as the server side stuff is there to do it.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 10th May 2014
  • Sylvi
    10th May 2014 Moderator 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     There has never been a cancellation button on the official groups system. It's a largely forgotten complaint (Probably because the system is not used often anymore).