So honestly I've been figuring out ways of making fusion that's completely natural. I had most of it done but I couldn't find a way to make any form of natural ELEC. Then (about five minutes ago) I had a look at the wiki. Apparently photons can be turned into electrons through the bizzare element, cool.
Now I only have one more problem... I need to keep the bizzare solid without using console commands or impeding the save. It would be really great if anyone had any suggestions for me. All I need is some solid bizzare and I'll have a pretty cool thing going on!
@ThisIsARandomUser (View Post)
just heat it by any type of hot element
The thing is that I want it to be a natural process so using HEAT or console commands takes away from that :l
I'm talking about keeping it in its solid state before the fusion. Like in here > < (this is the general template for the design, I've made a more natural version but the problem still exists) I keep the bizr a a solid ring and the WARP created by the EXOT+ELEC spearates it.
@ThisIsARandomUser (View Post)
I understood you from the beginning Keep Bizzar under a high temperature using fire smok hot elements etc
G = gas
L = liquid
S = solid
H = high temperature
M = medium temperature
L = low temperature
No can do, I require the photons to go through the BIZR so they can go into ELEC.
Firstly, that table is backwards. Secondly... aah explained it to h4zardz already
@ThisIsARandomUser (View Post)
Okay what about emmm
Energy wall
it will block every thing except Energy particles like photon
what about filter? No that wont work. What about FILT and LCRY? Filt will let photons in, the bizr will change them to electrons, and then it will come out the liquid crystal! but use solid bizzare matter. but you can find bizar solid with element search (Hotkey: E) then type in BIZS, and it will come up in element search