Not all too long ago I posted a thread asking for help with a solid state randomiser, well now its purpose is revealed, as it forms part of a system in which two devices can send 8 bit encrypted messages to each other.
It works by selecting a random key from 8 options ( the randomisr's job) and then adding that binary number to the message number. This is then transmitted to another station over wifi, and the numbers are separated so that you are left with the origional number.
The display is crude at the moment and is based on Bray peaks but I have asked for use of sandwichlizard's graph plotter to improve it.
Please let me know of any bugs so that I can fix them.
the save for the randomiser is also available standalone.
If you have correctly set up the message and pushed the button to transmit it, the station you did not use should begin flashing and sending out BRAY pulses. After the pulses have finished, the highest remaining peaks should correspond to your message. The white Bray at the top should refresh the uppermost pixel and store it indefinitely but this is a little buggy at the moment. The shorter blue lines of BRAY should be ignored as interference. I'm working on a way to make it easier to use but it is more of a proof of concept for another save I am working on.
Please tell me the message and key you used. If something went wrong in the last edit I will revert to a legacy version to remove the bug. Out of interest were you the person who just downvoted all of my saves involving electronics?