Non-sticky Pistons?

  • SmiteZero
    16th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello. Everyone knows that FRME on the end of PSTN will stick any particles to itself and push-pull them. I've made a piston inside a bore, but when I put a gas or liquid inside the bore it sticks to the piston assembly.


    Is there a way to make the blocks attached to the FRME not sticky so that the piston will push pixels, but not pull them back once they make contact?

  • jacob1
    16th Jun 2014 Developer 2 Permalink
    Set the .tmp of the FRME to 1. If I find a good way to do it, I will probably rename FRME to SFRM (or something better ...), and make a separate FRME which sets the tmp to 1 by default.
  • SmiteZero
    16th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks, jacob.

  • boxmein
    16th Jun 2014 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    If at all, make a separate element button for it, otherwise that'd be like making 5 different FILT types for all the different FILT modes :\
  • zBuilder
    7th Jul 2014 Member 2 Permalink


    @jacob1 (View Post)
    If at all, make a separate element button for it, otherwise that'd be like making 5 different FILT types for all the different FILT modes :\


    that would be interesting to have a selector of some sort, to visually select the different modes. pulling the selector out of the tile that has the element names. however that would need to change how the elements get put in; currently they have set default properties and we'd want to switch between them as apposed to make new elements. then the task of finding the most ergonomic way to display it. if it popped up every time it might be irritating, but if it was hard to make appear it would also be hard to use.

    so I guess,currently the console works the best but the sugestion for a GUI element would be cool :)


    filt modes


    maybe something like that to handle on-click. just a sugestion.

    Edited once by zBuilder. Last: 7th Jul 2014
  • jacob1
    7th Jul 2014 Developer 2 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    that's what I meant, I wouldn't add an entirely new element.

    @zBuilder (View Post)
    that's an interesting idea, and might work for some things. Probably if you clicked it and move the mouse away the window would disappear and so not be annoying. That would pick the default FILT which most people want.
  • NaroMori
    16th January Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    I wonder if a selection menu for different element types will be added in the next versions or if it's still a WIP...


    Edited once by NaroMori. Last: 16th January