In a Project is a conductor which conducts two sparks but at the end of this conductor I just want one spark so I made this (Spark goes from left to right)
Just one Pixel of every element.
above and over it is INSL and this all 8 times underneath the other.
The idea was it blocks the first spark, because the NTCT is under 100°C but the first spark will heat up the METL so the NTCT will be above 100°C and will counduct the second spark
The problem is some of those 8 work and some dont work...
For example the first and second work every time and the third works never.
How to solve this Problem?
And why ist this?
Do you have a better idea of how to only let the second spark through with something which is only 1 pixel high?
Thank you and sorry for bad english.
Thank you very much!
How do I do this by myself?
Im not that experienced with Powdertoy...
I copied it but i cant place it where I want to have it so I have to build it by myself.
when you paste you can use W,A,S,D to locate the stamp in one pixel increments then click the mouse button when it is good. when you paste, the mouse is the coarse move and WASD is fine adjust. You need to use the PROP tool to build this your self. the left CRAY has a TMP of 1 and CTYPE of GOLD. the right CRAY has a TMP of 2 and a CYTPE of SPRK. the conductor on the left must be INWR and the conductor on the right must be PSCN.
Oh thank you!
Well that knowledge just would have saved hours of recreate things i coulnd place...
You are most welcome!