I haven't played in a while and I'm just wondering how photon transmission works. I've been through
Frame by frame but I still don't understand. Any help is appreciated.
you might not understand anyway because it's an overly-complicated way to send data, but in a recent update Dtec was updated so that when a photon passes by it, the Dtec changes the color of any Filt near it to the color of the "detected" photon.
each bit is given a photon of it's own and when all bits are accounted for they exit the transmitter all layered one on top of another, the receiving-end de-layers them accordingly.
each photon holds 30 separate color bands that can be activated/deactivated, but in the photon transmitter by Darkn that you linked he doesn't take full advantage of the "bus length" within photons. on the other hand the LightPC by Mark2222 does;
"how are you (then) supposed to read it?"
like i said, each band of color can be activated/deactivated. you have to work within the color spectrum of photons. if you want to "read" the bands of color within a photon, you have to pass it's color to a long band of filt via Dtec, then pass one photon through the filt you just changed the color of for each band of color you are working with.
i see you left a comment on Drakide's HD video, i'll link it anyway 1489025. what you should be paying attention to is the photon passing their color(s) onto the long vertical bands of filt then, using countless pbcn(phot), reading the color off the band of filt.
this is why his screen is 29 "pixels" tall, because of the storage capacity of Filt is 30. if he wants to activate the bottom-most pixel, he activates the first band of color within filt, and so-on.
Thank you for the help. I have now made a photon transmitter: