Concept: POP Unpacking

  • PTuniverse
    25th Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    POP Unpacking ("Particle Order Preservative" Unpacking) is a concept of stamp portable machinery that is capable of rearranging a "package" of particles so that once the process is finished, the main stamp itself runs according to its wanted particle order. After processing, the machine must destroy as many of its components as possible (or might as well destroy itself) without harming the stamp.


    If such a machine could exist for any stamp containing particle-order dependent mechanics, then it would be possible to recreate basic versions of such stamps that can work properly. It's like modifying the particle order itself; by moving around the pixels (with PSTN, of course) a certain piece of machinery can be made so that under TPT frame processing, it is processed first rather than other parts.