I've made a CPU.
It's my first one, so I'm probably going to get a lot of comments saying how badly I did some things, but it works, so I'm happy.
Bits: NNNNNNIIIIIDDDDDD N=address of next instruction, I=Instruction, D=data to be appended to the buffer.
Instruction set (I'm new to processor architecture and everything like that):
10000 = Clear A ALU data
10001 = Clear B ALU data
10010 = Invert A ALU data
10011 = Invert B ALU data
10100 = If A jump to first line.
10101 = Copy A ALU data to B input data
10110 = Read buffer into A
10111 = Add input data into A and B
11000 = left shift A
11001 = left shift B
11010 = Clear A input data
11011 = Clear B input data
11100 = Open input
11101 = Close input
11110 = Print B AND append to buffer
11111 = Append B into the buffer.
Credit to @arK for the buffer.
The fibonacci program:
000000 00000 100000 // Append 1 to the buffer and move to address 1
100000 10110 000000 // Read buffer into A and move to address 2
010000 10111 000000 // Add input data into A and B and move to address 3
110000 10101 000000 // Copy A ALU data to B input data and move to address 4
001000 11010 000000 // Clear A input data and move to address 5
101000 10111 000000 // Add input data into A and B and move to address 6
011000 11110 000000 // Print B and append to buffer and move to address 7
111000 11010 000000 // Clear A input data and move to address 8
000100 11011 000000 // Clear B input data and move to address 9
100100 10101 000000 // Copy A ALU data to B input data and move to address 10
010100 10111 000000 // Add input data to A and B and move to address 11
110100 10000 000000 // Clear A and move to address 12
001100 10110 000000 // Read buffer into A
101100 11011 000000 // Clear B set data
101000 10111 000000 // Add input data to A and B