Can anyone explain to me how those aray readers work??
Thankyou I am dumb.. I was hoping you'd help me.. You seem like the expert in this field..
So I looked at it..
SO one aray stops the other from going through so the other array only goes through the insulated wire?
ANd that is read.. I get it..
And another set erases any bray.. Right?
I need help with piston now.. Lol..
Pistons push and pull particles using PSCN and NSCN. you start off by putting two PSTN next to each other and put PSCN and NSCN like this
and that will extend by 1 at a time if you spark PSCN and will retract by 1 at a time if you spark NSCN.
if you want to carry a box of element lets say.....a 3x3 box of wood
And it will work the same way
If you want to push the box and pull it by 2 px at a time you just add another pstn before the frame and so one and so forth
If you want it to push the box and not pull it you have to set the tmp of all FRME(s) to 1
Keep in mind that PSTN(s) have limited extension and limited amount of stuff that it can carry (I think it's 31)
To increase that you have to set the Tmp of all PSTN(s) to whatever number you mant it to carry or extend to
For more help. look at This for PSTN or This for all force elements (which contains PSTN and FRME)
I hope that this will help you :) if you want, I can make a save for you.
I figured the piston by my self already.. Thanks though...
This is what I have so far...
Does this work?
For PSTN, I might direct you to
For the rest of the reader, I would recommend not using the NOT gate, as it is slow and unreliable, and instead using 2 SWCHes, each one connected to the PSCN and NSCN of the piston respectively. Otherwise, the timing of your reader is correct.
As for your printer, You need to set the tmp of the FRME to 1 so it is non-sticky, as indicated in the above link. Use wall to block the CRAY beam instead of CONV, or set the tmp of the CRAY to suit. Your printer PSTN timing, however, is a bit off. You need to get the output of the scanner to go first, then the CRAY(FILT), then the PSTN. The arrangement you use for the PSTN causes it first to pull back and then to push forward; you want it the other way round.
For a simple example of the 2 SWCH arrangement, see
Notice how first one SWCH is active, when you SPRK the button, that one turns off and the other turns on. The PSTN extends and scans the image. upon reaching the end, DTEC sends a signal, turning the first SWCH back on and the second one off, pulling the piston back.
I've made it much more compact in my other printer saves.
I got the piston timing sorta right on the printer but it's not pushing anymore... :(
EDIT2: Thanks everyone... I finished!...