U.S.S Expedite

  • FlyingLotus
    22nd Aug 2014 Member 1 Permalink


    First in the new line of commercial starships, the Expedite boasts a hefty 3 speed main engine with 2 extra smaller engines for cruising. It has 2 isotope reactors as well as cryogenic units for safe and possible long voyages. It's engines can be overloaded by bombarding them with more electrons than usual. Since the Expedite is a long-distance traveller, it doesnt have many weapons but it does have escape pods and working airlocks. many of the buttons may be hard to operate unless zoomed in because they are built to scale of the crew. Have fun and please suggest what other space craft i should build. Thanks!


    any suggestions/recomendations for future creations would be much appreciated!!

    Edited once by FlyingLotus. Last: 23rd Aug 2014