Instructions For Color Dray Printer

  • KB
    1st Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Here's The Save

    Or Solid Edition(no deco)


    Making your own film for it to print is easy. The instructions are formatted Row # -Use- Element. FYI, There is one pixel of Coal filler between each row. Each colum represents One(1) Instuction.

    Row 1-Move Up-Brick

    Row 2-Move Down-Glass

    Row 3-Move Right-Switch

    Row 4-Move Left-Goo

    Row 5-Draw Pixel-Sponge

    Row 6-Next Color/Solid-Plant

    Row 7-Previous Color/Solid-C-5

    Note: Make sure you've Filled in any Extra Space with Coal.


    Or You Can Use my Programmer Save! (New)

    Edited 4 times by KB. Last: 1st Sep 2014