I've spent nearly half an hour and my friend has spent about ten minutes trying to figure out where the NEUT in this bomb of mine is coming from.
I'm trying to have protons set off the deuterium but somehow NEUT (Which doesn't exist) is setting it off. I've tried all sorts of stuff and I can't stop the neut from spawning.
I'd appreciate any help I could get. Thanks.
It seems that the LIGH present in the bomb is triggering the DEUT.
Like P-21 said... ligh triggers neut reaction in deut..
Thanks a bunch. Is it possible to stop this reaction?
Yeah detonate the DEUT with PROT first or remove the LIGH
Use sprk with ctype set as ligh and use life to time the sprk and release of ligh
Use sprk with ctype set as ligh and use life to time the sprk and release of ligh
That's pretty smart. Thanks.
Make sure to configure the ligh's tmp2?? or else you'll get a pixel of ligh
Make sure to configure the ligh's tmp2?? or else you'll get a pixel of ligh
Yea, I've got everything setup and the spark system is pretty cool. I've come up with a pretty neat idea that's going into my next bomb. I'm planning on making it so that lightning goes off in bursts to help break down walls. The first test of this system has gotten through the Nanite wall after like 50 tries. I'm hoping I can get a 75% success rate with this system. Thanks.
I have a powerful bomb that can get through nanite wall 99 percent of the time: