UGGGGH....So...I was about 4 hours into building my new ship for my space fleet...I encountered a few problems...AND THEN REALIZED MY SHIP WAS 2 PIXELS OFF. I know it's possible to fix, but the problem is, I don't know HOW to fix it.
If you're wondering, one side (the top part) is 2 pixels wider than the bottom part, and it just completely ruins it.
If it's just a matter of moving it 2 pixels, you can do Ctrl-x, Ctrl-v, and while pasting, if you press Ctrl and an arrow key, you can move it one pixel in any direction.
Well, I didn't know that you can do that :o (finally I can stop using PSTN(s) :D)
well, pstn is a creative solution...
actually you can use W,A,S,D without CTRL for that unless stk2 is on the screen. and the pstns work well for some stuff anyway.
wait, wasd works too?
how did I never learn this
Really? Feyman didn't know about wasd stamp movement?