I need some way to make Caustic gas from not-dangerous liquids. Something like using console to make water vaporize into Caus. Is this possible, and if, how?
Acid + Water is out of question, because it is inefficient and Acid is too dangerous liquid anyway.
Using the console to change the high temperature transition of water is specific to you, it will not affect what the save does on other people's computers.
The only reaction that makes CAUS is ACID+WTRV.
You could use CONV.
For those snow bombs place normal snow and type in this:
!set ctype snow sing
!set tmp snow 99999999999
It will show on other people's computers
I haven't tried it, but it's probably possible to do it with snow/ice, just add some snow and type in console
!set ctype snow caus
and then heat it a bit(or do this with ice)