Feynman's Mod
So far, I've only just started work on this, but it will be getting a lot more elements and features in the near future.
The changelog and download links can be found here.
You can also leave suggestions there - suggestions are very welcome, especially this early in developnent.
Major Features:
TPTNet server capabilities - you can switch between the official server and TPTNet through a button in the Options panel, without the need for two separate programs as in the official build
LuaJIT integration - all Lua code will run 100%-500% faster
TPTMP/Script Manager integration
Command Signs:
Format: {l|--[[Lua code here]]}
When clicked, they run whatever code is inside them. They are sandboxed - not all functions are available
inside a command sign - for security reasons.
Text Plotting API:
Usage: sim.plottext(x, y, "text"[, r, g, b, a])
Plots text in the standard TPT font, with deco on DMND.
Other Features:
graphics.noise(x[, y[, z]]): An implementation of Perlin/Fractal noise, maybe useful, maybe not.
BDST: Binary data storage
Sparked with NSCN: reads 2^(part->tmp) particles in direction of spark, saves data to part->ctype
For example, this arrangement -
[N][B][P][ ][P][P]
- in which [N] = sparked NSCN, [B] = BDST (tmp=2), [P] = any particle, [ ] = empty space -
would set the BDST's ctype to 11 (or 0x0000000B).
Sparked with PSCN: Outputs data to wifi channels from part->temp / 100 to part->temp / 100 + 2^(part->tmp)
For example, the aforementioned arrangement, with the temp of [B] = 1000, would send a signal to WIFI
on channels 10, 12 and 13 when sparked with PSCN.
Download page: here
Basic timing:
Add CMRC from my mod to it, will post source later...
#include "simulation/Elements.h"
//#TPT-Directive ElementClass Element_CERM PT_CERM 181
Identifier = "DEFAULT_PT_CERM";
Name = "CMRC";
MenuVisible = 1;
MenuSection = SC_SOLIDS;
Enabled = 1;
Advection = 0.0f;
AirDrag = 0.00f * CFDS;
AirLoss = 0.90f;
Loss = 0.00f;
Collision = 0.0f;
Gravity = 0.0f;
Diffusion = 0.00f;
HotAir = 0.000f * CFDS;
Falldown = 0;
Flammable = 0;
Explosive = 0;
Meltable = 0;
Hardness = 1;
Weight = 100;
Temperature = R_TEMP+0.0f +273.15f;
HeatConduct = 225;
Description = "Ceramics. Super tough solid.";
State = ST_SOLID;
LowPressure = -30.0f;
LowPressureTransition = PT_CLST;
HighPressure = NT;
HighPressureTransition = ITL;
LowTemperature = ITL;
LowTemperatureTransition = NT;
HighTemperature = NT;
HighTemperatureTransition = ITL;
Update = &Element_CERM::update;
Graphics = &Element_CERM::graphics;
float meltpoint = 4273.15f;
//#TPT-Directive ElementHeader Element_SPRK static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS)
int Element_CERM::update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS){
int r, rx, ry;
for (rx = -1; rx < 2; rx++){
for (ry = -1; ry < 2; ry++){
r = pmap[y + ry][x + rx];
if (!r || (r & 0xFF) == PT_CERM){
meltpoint = 2573.15f+sim->pv[y / CELL][x / CELL]*10;
if (parts[i].temp >= meltpoint){
parts[i].life = parts[i].life + 1;
if (parts[i].life > 1000){
parts[i].life = 0;
sim->part_change_type(i, parts[i].x, parts[i].y, PT_LAVA);
r = sim->photons[y + ry][x + rx];
if (!r){
if (parts[r >> 8].type == PT_PROT){ //Delete PROT
sim->part_change_type(r >> 8, parts[r >> 8].x, parts[r >> 8].y, PT_NONE);
if (parts[r >> 8].type == PT_VIRS | parts[r >> 8].type == PT_VRSS){ //Immune to VRSS and VIRS
if (parts[r >> 8].tmp2 == PT_CERM){
sim->part_change_type(r>>8, parts[r>>8].x, parts[r>>8].y, PT_CERM);
return 0;
@mecha-man (View Post) Works fine for me
Yeah the links are reversed
You need dllpack.zip; a quick forum search should find it.
And sure, I'll add that element.
Good idea, thanks.
By the way, I'm trying to write it to include a few scripts automatically (like in Jacob1's mod, but with my own modifications), but it's not working very well, so I probably won't get any more releases out until next weekend.
Ok, I'll do that (probably on Wednesday). Is it alright if I also use it for the update server, or would that be asking too much?
Thanks, that should help a lot!
By the way, does anyone know where the code is for spark signs? I have some code for Lua command signs but I can't find where to put it.