When trying to destroy something a few days ago, I found that, interestingly enough, BOMB doesn't react with vibranium. It isn't even destroyed by the explosion if the BOMB is detonated by another particle. This led me to try to develope a system to store BOMB with VIBR. I'll be uploading a save that uses this to store bomb as ammunition for a gun after I make a few improvements.
I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this property of VIBR before, and if anyone can think of some ways to use this other than for guns. The only other practical application I can think of is bomb disposal. Anyone have an idea?
I know this property, VIBR has some others too that are useful, for example I asked someone to build a VIBR SPRK generator since VIBR sparks near detonation.
Well, if you're building a BOMB container, if someone detonates like deut or TNT nears it, the VIBR will react and explode. We all know how powerful VIBR is. Now add some BOMB into the mix.
Double trouble on your hands.
Unless, of course, that was intended in the design.
@minecraft-physics (View Post)
Both are pretty easily beaten, PSTS being the hardest. (Unless you're talking about C5 at the VERY end or 2nd closest to the end of a wall.) Honestly, growing QRTZ is 1000x harder because if 1 pixel of it can survive your bomb has failed and the wall will soon become a wall of QRTZ.
If you really need to get rid of a wall, it does not matter how much cloning and high tmp value QRTZ/ MERC there is, all you need is a simple virus delay bomb (VIRS-> 10s--> DEUT+PROT) and it is history.
What if a wall has soap.
Or super heated PROT like my wall?
Soap can be go rid of by pressure spamming with dmg etc.
What does the superheated prot do? sorry have not seen the wall.
It super heats the VIRS causing itgo up in flames before it touches the wall. It doesn't work with GBMB and VIRS bombs but there's also SOAP.