Is There a Better Way To Layer Things?

  • Jimmyfriend
    18th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I'd like to layer 5 different independent items (They're all pretty big, there's nothing smaller than a 15x15 with different elements.) on top of each other, with just over ten different particle types. How could I layer these? Normally I set things to sprk, prot, grvt, neut, elec, etc., copy them onto each other, and set those items back. I have way too many elements though so that won't work. What's a better way to layer them?



  • jward212
    18th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    look up 'layering in TPT's search box', I have a feeling this topic might be locked or something, jacob hates layering due to its complication, and i think i've heard it was discovered by accident like moving spng 

  • boxmein
    18th Nov 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @jward212 (View Post)
    > due to its complication

    ... More like due to the fact that it's not really supposed to work, or even be used, since a lot of elements use pmap (topmost element in a single pixel) for reactions, ignoring all of the layered hidden elements.

    Sure, it works, because sometimes particles do stack upon each other, and making stuff turn to BHOL when there's two elements on top of each other would make the game really unstable.
  • jacksonmj
    18th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink

    A better way would be not layering them... What exactly are you trying to make?


    making stuff turn to BHOL when there's two elements on top of each other

    The only reason I didn't make that happen is because calculating whether the elements are supposed to be on top of each other (e.g. BIZR passing through FILT is two non-energy particles in the same place but is allowed) would be complicated, and probably excessively slow.

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 18th Nov 2014
  • bowserinator
    19th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jward212 (View Post)

     jacob1 edited my post to search up layering to "layering is super hard and complicated or something like that"