Hi, I'm new and would like to know what's in stock for me in The Powder Toy. Now I know that you can make things explode using materials like Nitroglycerin and Fire but I want to create a sorta "bomb series" that contains complex nuclear bombs and regular hydrogen/fusion/etc... bombs. So if someone could help me out, It would be great. Thanks!
-Melson Dexton
I advise starting with DEUT bombs. If you fill a circle of something with DEUT, open the console (with the ~ key), and type "!set life deut 65535" (without the quotes), you can make a basic nuclear bomb.
By the way, welcome to TPT!
PROT+DEUT with life 999999999
Super hot NBLE/HYGN touching THDR (Fusion)
Those are the basic components of a bomb
Thanks for the greetings!