You know that new-fangled filt/phot tech floating out there? It means that a single pixel ( a colored phot) can store 29/30 bits of data, or up to a little over 525k (or even ONE MILLION if all bits can be used) ! Just FYI. I had an idea for a machine that just proves a point (30 switches to color a phot, mahine shoots it, machine recieves it and decodes to a 10-digit decimal display, to show off how badass this is. Any input/help/comments/hate/love/support/ideas ?
I just made a save showind NAND. Obviously, it is just as an example- nowhere near streamlined enough.
EDIT: 'Ory, I 'ust hate 'en the 'irst consonant 'isappears
EDIT: Added save
That's exactly how that "new-fangled fil/phot tech" is and has been used. Here are some example of saves that use that:
A bunch of things from
Also there are several electronic makers that are currently working on making more stuff using this concept (myself included).
YES I am not alone!
But they do not seem to us FILT as logic gates. I am wondering how to use a 30-bit logic calculation in a pixel. It is quite a bit more complex then I thought...
Maybe I can FINALLY make a good save!
Many of those do use the FILT logic, specifically the Photon Wavelength Calculator and the LightPC use extensive use. Using the FILT logic is required for using it for storage since in order to seperate out the bits you need to use ANDs for bitmasking out individual bits, as well as ORing the bits together for converting a group of bits into a number. The LightPC specifically use tons of smaller NANDs itself also.
Also, there is a little know secret about red/blueshift FILT, it can shift based on it's temperature. Also, LightPC uses a power of 2 shifting mechanism also. Also, @Dumpling, you might want to look at setting the .ctype of the FILT for more "exact" control over what the wavelength is. Also, investigating into other .tmp values of FILT would help, the possible values are 0=set wavelength, 1=AND the wavelengths, 2=OR the wavelengths, 3=subtract the wavelengths, 4=red(left) shift, 5=blue(right) shift, 6=No effect, 7=XOR the wavelengths, 8=binary NOT on the wavelength, 9=Old QRTZ scattering (to me looks like a flawed randomizer), anything else will act like 6.
hey, thanks for showing my stuff as an example. I am hoping to use FILT logic to make an AI for my connect four game. I started doing it using standard tech once and realized it was going to be way too big.