-------------------------------------------------HEADCRABS SCRIPT-------------------------------------------------
---------------((HeadCrab description))---------------
-seeks STKM
-very burnable
-STKM like deco
-evil >:)
------------------((where to get it?))-------------------
-------------------------------------------------STKM GUN SCRIPT--------------------------------------------
This script adds a gun operated by STKM, Aimed and shot by using your mouse...
There are 4 different bullets(default, tracer, missile, bomb tipped and dest tipped)
I'm open to hear any other bullet suggestions : )
------------------((where to get it?))-------------------
-------------------((YouTube demo))--------------------
------------------((other mods))-------------------
fuel mod - mod for all your fuel needs
TPT Radio - listen to internet radio on powder toy
Useful links - links to common websites and threads
colourful name tags - makes your name tag change colours smoothly
are u copying headccrab from dr who?
if you want I can add a list of saves here... advetising your saves with my mods
not a bad idea, go well with stkm gun.
What is HL2?