I made a city entirely out of powders...

  • Kaio
    31st Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    EDIT: I can't grammar.

    Title limit's driving me crazy.


    So, I went and done a city entirely out of powder elements.


    "Yeah, yeah, cities, whatever, next-"

    It's made entirely out of powder, and I haven't seen all that much of those kinds of cities.


    All of the buildings are 100% powder, and I need some more stuff to add to it.

    No, I don't want to use ANAR, I want to keep the dang city as clean as possible.


    It's my first actual city and my first actual forum post. Please go easy on me.


    EDIT: Sigh. I need to stop.



    EDIT: I really need to stop.


    1724388View Save 1724388

    Edited 4 times by Kaio. Last: 31st Jan 2015
  • jacob1
    31st Jan 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    some of the BCOL seems to have turned into COAL :P, I also see small amounts of BRCK in there. Other than that, pretty good (:

    Edit: oh, and you forgot to publish it. Click "Upload under a new name" and check 'publish' then resave.
    Edited 2 times by jacob1. Last: 31st Jan 2015